DIY Derby Trophy Decor


DIY Derby Trophy Centerpiece

So if you are looking for a last minute centerpiece, look no further than your local dollar store! All you need are a few items to make your very own Kentucky Derby Trophies! Easy and cheap DIY trophy centerpieces!

You’ll need:

Dollar store items:

Candlesticks, bowl, vase, gardening pots (plastic or ceramic), a glass

Other items:

Spray paint

Hot glue gun and glue

Optional: Pipe clamps (got these in the plumbing section of a home improvement store)

Here’s how:

While you are at the dollar store, stack the items you find until you find one that is pleasing and looks balanced. You don’t want it to topple over at the first bump of the table. Also think about height. Are you doing a grouping? Vary the sizes and styles. Here are my combos:

  1. The tallest is a plastic gardening pot with a tall vase (upside down) as the base. This one also has the pipe clamps I molded to make handles.
  2. The middle size is a ceramic pot with a drinking glass as the base. This one was a trial as far as the handles go. I used pipe cleaners wrapped in washi tape and then spray painted and glued on.
  3. The shortest is a ceramic bowl on a candlestick.

Once I figured out my combos I started my spray painting. I painted first because I hadn’t quite figured out how I was going to add handles or if at all. However, doing this allowed me to get the perfect color with multiple coats.

I got my first coats finished and then hot glued the parts together. This is where I would suggest taking your time. Keep the glue lines smooth and even so you can paint over them. I had most trouble adding the handles but was able to add some layers of glue to smooth out the look and even trim up any drips with scissors after it was dry.

Spray paint again. I used several paints, seen below. I just lightly dusted the trophies again paying special attention to cover the glued areas. Mix and mix until you find a color you like. I wanted a vintage tarnished silver look.


Layer. Layer. Spray again…and again.

Last but not least I added roses to the centers. Bouquets and foam circles & squares from the dollar store of course.


So for about $10 I made 3 “Trophies” for my table. Then, I found a white ceramic “trophy” complete with gold roses from a local consignment shop! What a find! Follow my blog for final pictures of my party. I can’t wait to put it all together!

Here are a few more links to make your Derby party a WINNER!

Derby party coverEtiquette and StyleMaking a HatDerby Hat TutorialDerby printables and coloring pagesDerby Wreath DIYWindow Glass Art