The magical “save your shirts” cleaner!

Magical save your shirt cleaner final

Other than recipes for food, many of which contain some amount of bacon or bacon grease, I haven’t been very impressed with other Pins that I’ve tried for stuff. Ironing crayons was a massive fail along with several others that were so bad I didn’t even want to take the effort to write about them. Until NOW! This pin has changed my laundry life. Not only is it easy but totally works! I am even motivated to try it on more things, which is a big coo considering I’m 6+months pregnant and exhausted from chasing around a 2 year old. But thanks to onegoodthingbyjillee, I am renewed to do another load of laundry with fewer grumbles. Feel free to clink the link above or see what I did below.


She sparked my interest with the need to remove the gross yellow armpit stains on her kids shirts. I have the same desire, but from my husbands now almost gray shirts. I’m sure most of these undershirts are pre-marriage. Seriously. The man refuses to wear new ones. I have soaked them in bleach and washed them with just about everything I could think of but never a satisfying result like this. I think because of the level of bad they were, they will need another round of treatment, but for immediate results, this is awesome.



So this was the before. Yikes! I only wish I had a side by side of the before and after. The post says to use one part Dawn dishwashing liquid mixed with two parts Hydrogen Peroxide and then she added some baking soda for good measure. I started to measure out everything, but kicked my OCD to the curb and eyeballed it. I mixed the first two then sprinkled in some baking soda. Using a brush I first concentrated my efforts on the armpits, and the neck.

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Scrub, scrub, scrub. Honestly, I was a little tired after this and didn’t feel like working on anymore shirts so I dunked the shirt into the remaining mixture, mostly soaking it through, and then let it sit. I intended to let it sit for an hour until I could get my son up from his nap so I could start the wash. But, like always, I forgot about it completely until the next morning. Hoping for the best, and since it’s not like I could really ruin them, I started a small load of laundry whites and tossed in the crusty cleaning mixture shirts.

Fast forward to the afternoon as I was pulling them out of the dryer, I couldn’t believe my eyes! It worked! Plus as an added bonus, the other whites that I had washed with them were noticeably whiter too! Hooray!

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Afters, still need some work, but are amazingly better. These pictures just don’t do them justice.

So, since this amazing cleaner entered my life I have sought out more things to clean. A mix of Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda took pet stains right out of our carpet. Zap! Gone! It also took out the drips of coffee from my favorite white maternity shirt. I don’t even know why white is an option for pregnant women. The belly draws in stain and spills like nothing else! I also read that this mix works great on restoring baby onesies that were stained from spit up. That will be my next challenge as we get ready for baby number two.

Hope you try this cleaner and have the same exciting results as I have! Also, fyi, in the same post in the link above she also uses the mix on a grease stained dark blue shirt and restores it to wearable again. It’s magical I tell you!

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