Crowd Pleaser Donuts!

Crowd Pleaser Donuts final

I’ve never been much of a fan of Valentine’s day, I mean,  we should love each other every day, right? (Har har har) This was always a plus for my hubby too. No gifts,  no flowers (even though I usually get some),  no special night out. All of that is pretty much the same but now I have two kids to do fun crafts and food with!
My son has developed my same love for themed foods so i wanted to do something heart shaped for Valentine’s day. While looking through Pinterest,  I found donuts and I thought they would be a “sweet” way to start the day.
Hot oil and I don’t really get along but these were so easy to make! Not to mention, delicious!
Head on over to Little Bit Funky to get her full instruction that I  followed.

So all you need are a can of biscuits, oil, a cinnamon and sugar mix, butter, and something to cut holes or like I did,  a heart shape!
I laid all the biscuits out and used my awesome Dollar Store find, (5 heart shape cookie cutters for $1!) to cut out the centers.



Once the oil was heated up,  med heat,  in went my dough. Just a couple minutes on each side until they are brown.



You could stop there but why? After you pull the wonderful fried dough from their oil bath place them on a paper towel lined plate. Then place one side down in melted butter,  flip,  then swirl your buttery donut in the cinnamon and sugar mix.




Take a moment to pat yourself on the back then dig in! These are so good and there are so many toppings you could do.



I’ve got another Valentine’s day goodie coming up! Stay tuned!