DIY Hanging Mason Jar Organizer

Mason Jar Organizer cover


No matter if you are talking about your kitchen or bathroom, counter space is prime real estate.
I have never been a fan of the bathroom counter containers. One for toothbrushes,  one for Q tips,  one for soap,  one for, well you get the idea. And have you ever looked at the bottom of your tooth brush holder?  Yuck.image

Then,  I found this wonderful idea of an organizer using one of my favorite things,  mason jars! Oh what joy!  Oh what possibilities!

I was already staining wood from my art display project, so I  added this 2ft board and stained it using the same method.
I already had wide mouth mason jars,  I use them for everything including drinking glasses,  so I just needed to get clamps,  from the plumbing department in a hardware store.


You’ll want to screw the clamps onto the jars tightly using a screwdriver and then loosen them to accommodate the screw or nail your using to attach them.image



After measuring out placement, I had the hubby screw down the clamps to the board. If you plan on leaving the lids on a few or all of the jars you’ll want to glue the two pieces of the lid together to make it easier on yourself for everyday opening and closing.




You can easily clip off the extra metal with pliers by bending the metal back and forth.  I did this then bent it inwards to keep the sharp edge from sticking out. You’ll see that below.


I added my jars and tightened the clamps and then we hung this beauty in our bathroom. Ahh. So nice to have our counter back! One of the best parts? Just unscrew the clamp a bit to release the jars for a run through the dishwasher. So easy to clean!image




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