Cajun Sausage and Potatoes

Cajun Sausage and Potatoes

Cajun Sausage and Potatoes. Well, that’s my version. The original pin came from Recipes from the Big Blue Binder. Their post was for Oven Roasted Sausage and Potatoes. YUM! Over time mine has evolved a bit as you’ll see below.

This is a hearty meal. You can really kick it up in spice or keep it mellow.

You’ll need:

1 package of smoked sausage (slice into rounds, I like to also half the rounds)

1 large onion, peeled and chopped (I typically use half an onion)

5 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch cubes (I usually use 3-4 potatoes and slice then quarter)

Olive oil

Sea salt

Ground black pepper

Sweet paprika*

Dried thyme*

About a cup grated cheddar cheese

          *in lieu of these two ingredients I use a cajun blend20160502_162044.jpg

Get started:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and line a 13×9 baking dish with aluminum foil. They suggest drizzling oil over the aluminum foil. I like to just spray with cooking spray.

Then you want to chop chop chop. I like to add thing into a bowl in layers. A little oil and onion with some Cajun mix and the S&P.20160502_162143.jpg

Then add in some potatoes and mix adding extra seasoning/oil as needed to coat. Repeat until onion and potatoes are chopped and added to your mixing bowl and everything is coated.

I cut up my sausage and before adding it to the baking dish, I drizzle a little oil over it and add the Cajun, salt, and pepper spices to it. 20160502_163509.jpg20160502_163709.jpg20160502_163758.jpg

Then I spread it out in the baking dish.

Over that, spread the potato and onion mix and give it all a light mix.

You’ll then bake it for about 45 minutes giving it a stir several times while it cooks.

Last sprinkle your cheddar cheese over the top and let it bake a few minutes more until the cheese is melted.

Serve and enjoy!